I've Uncovered The
Best 'Secret Knowledge'
About EVERYTHING TO DO With Muay Thai
164 pages covering EVERYTHING Sean knows and loves about Muay Thai, including...
Training Style & Philosophy
Learn exactly how the top-tier Muay Thai fighters prepare for their fights, with detailed training advice on Heavy Bag Work, Sparring, Exercise & more.
All The Important “Firsts”
From how to act at your 1st Muay Thai class, to preparing for your 1st amateur fight… We dig into answers to all those questions you were too nervous to ask yourself.
Unique Aspects of Muay Thai
Super-detailed section after super-detailed section on what makes Muay Thai so different – the Mongkon, the Wai Kru, and all my trickiest Clinch techniques.
Eat Like a Fighter
Eat just like a lean, muscular Muay Thai fighter does by using my personal meal plans and tips for pre-workout and post-workout eating – all included inside Muay Thai Secrets.
Training in Thailand
The most common question I get is, “What’s it like training in Thailand?” so I put all my best advice and virtually unknown gyms/spots inside Muay Thai Secrets!